Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Benzoir guys!!!
A question for you just because u are a part of India..........
Again corruption is digging its roots down right in the heart of our beautiful country!
Is life imprisonment sufficient for the people involved in corruption??
Think and act wise---
The dew here is: What will be your next demand to the government(just think atleast once)?
U are living in a democratic country....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hello friends!
I am here again with an exiting news that will make you think that some miracles are there still unexplored or unregistered in books.........
I mean to say that we just dont know about that!
You all are orkut fans!Right!
But Orkut is basically a creation of a single guy named as Orkut. He developed this to find his love who was lost after a disaster...
Bravo! he found her..........
this is how orkut is born...Lovely na!! One more milestone of Love just like our Taj Mahal...
So the dew task here is- Read the history of every new creation.. its really inpiring and innovative!!
Do "The dew now".....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


hello friends!
You often find news related to the corruption in our country...
Are we doing anything against it?
Stop just reading newspapers!
Do the dew guys!! Lets rock d nation.........